weVENTURE Announces New Initiatives During Hit ‘Renegades & Rebels’ Event
On Thursday morning weVENTURE held Renegades & Rebels: Women and Technology in the Church Street Exchange lobby as part of Global Entrepreneurship week. During the event Leslie Hielema, VP of FIT, and Shea Glenny, weVENTURE Director, shared that they had identified 100 female founders. Now their goal is to expose them, and show the impacts that they have economically and civically.
Initially weVENTURE was concerned that there were too few women in technology, software development, and other related fields. After several months of research, they found out this wasn’t necessarily the case.
weVENTURE showed a short film during the event, insisting that women entrepreneurs are not the stereotypes they are perceived as. weVENTURE is dedicated to defining a new conversation surrounding women entrepreneurs. After identifying female founders, weVENTURE went on to interview them in an attempt to better assist in shaping the conversation.
weVENTURE will also launched several new initiatives to empower womenpreneurs here in Orlando. Amongst the initiatives is WeLead, a collaborative online resource for women who want to grow as entrepreneurs. weVENTURE will also bring a chapter of Girls Who Code to Orlando, as well an awards series that will echo the weVENTURE credo.